About the Journal

Journal of Anesthesia and Pain Management is an online peer-review, an open-access journal whose main focus is to publish the most reliable information for its readers. The subject conveniently deals with different types of anesthesia for different pain management. We intend to help readers globally with its numerous studies, the latest advancements in patient outcomes, varied clinical outcomes, and emergency cases. We intend to publish the most reliable data based on the latest research and discoveries. Journal of Anesthesia and Pain Management publishes original research, review articles, case studies, editorials, short communication, brief reports, conference reports, opinions, perspectives, abstracts and proceedings, and clinical images.

Journal of Anesthesia and Pain Management uses Online Review and Editorial Tracking System for the quality review process. Editorial Tracking System is an online submission and review system, where authors can submit manuscripts and track their progress. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinion. They critically analyze the manuscript and any modification which may be required is appealed by the author to make.

Authors can submit manuscripts as an email attachment to the Editorial Office at anesthesia@scitechjournals.org or submit the manuscripts online at Journal of Anesthesia and Pain Management

Scope of the Journal

The subject of Anesthesia and Pain Management deals different kinds of anesthesia for different pain management considering the patients’ health history. Under its scope we categorize: General Anesthesia, IV/Monitored Sedation, Regional Anesthesia, Local Anesthesia, Chronic pain, Pain management, Surgery.